President Obama’s remarks on new gun control proposals, Jan. 16, 2013 (Transcript)

VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN: Before -- before I begin today, let me say to the families of the innocents who were murdered 33 days ago, our heart -- our heart goes out to you. And you show incredible courage -- incredible courage being here. And the president and I are going to do everything in our power to honor the memory of your children and your wives with -- with the work we take up here today.

It’s been 33 days since the nation’s heart was broken by the horrific, senseless violence that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Twenty -- twenty -- beautiful first-graders gunned down in a place that’s supposed to be their second sanctuary.

BIDEN: Six -- six -- members of the staff killed, trying to save those children. It’s literally been hard for the nation to comprehend, hard for the nation to fathom. And I know for the families who are here, time is not measured in days, but it’s measured in minutes, in seconds since you received that news -- another minute without your daughter, another minute without your son, another minute without your wife, another minute without your mom.

I want to personally thank Chris and Lynn McDonnell (ph), who lost their beautiful daughter, Grace (ph), and the other parents who I had a chance to speak to, for -- for their suggestions and for, again, just for their -- the courage of all of you to be here today. I admire -- I admire the grace and the resolve you all are showing.

And I must say, I’ve been deeply affected by your faith as well, and the president and I are going to do everything to try to match the resolve you’ve demonstrated. No one can know for certain if this senseless act could have been prevented, but we all know we have a moral obligation -- a moral obligation to do everything in our power to diminish the prospect that something like this could happen again.

BIDEN: As the president knows, I’ve worked in this field a long time in the United States Senate, having chaired a committee that had jurisdiction over these issues of guns and crime, and having drafted the first gun violence legislation -- the last gun violence legislation, I should say. And I have no illusions about we’re up against -- what we’re up against, or how hard the task is in front of us. But I also have never seen the nation’s conscience so shaken by what happened at Sandy Hook.

The world has changed, and it’s demanding action. It’s in this context that the president asked me to put together, along with cabinet members, a set of recommendations about how we should proceed to meet that moral obligation we have. And toward that end, the cabinet members and I sat down with 229 groups -- not just individuals -- representing groups, 229 groups, from law enforcement agencies to public health officials to gun officials to gun advocacy groups, to -- to sportsmen and hunters and religious leaders. And I’ve spoken with members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, had extensive conversations with mayors and governors and county officials.

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President Obama’s remarks on new gun control proposals, Jan. 16, 2013 (Transcript)